Black Cat Cute Hawaii Shirt
I’m skinny, flat chested, wore big round ugly glasses, have crooked teeth, and severe cystic acne for years. I’ve been called mosquito bite, four eyes, and pizza face. I was told no guy would ever be attracted to me (except the creeper old men who were attracted to me bc I permanently look underage) I actually had a little kid shriek in horror and ask “what’s wrong with your face?” when he saw my acne. Guess what? Even being ugly I still get harassed and still got abused. In fact, it felt like people could use my ugliness as an excuse to be as mean and nasty as they wanted. People don’t take me seriously. I’m constantly the Black Cat Cute Hawaii Shirt of someone’s joke.
Black Cat Cute Hawaii Shirt
A fun fact about Ulysses S. Grant’s name was that it wasn’t even his name and the S didn’t stand for anything: Grant’s given name was actually Hiram Ulysses Grant. His phantom middle initial is the Black Cat Cute Hawaii Shirt of an error from Ohio Congressman Thomas Hamer, who accidentally wrote the future general’s name as “Ulysses S. Grant” when he nominated him to attend West Point. Despite Grant’s best efforts to correct the record, the name stuck, and he eventually accepted it as his own. “Find some name beginning with “S” for me,” he joked in an 1844 letter to his future wife, Julia Dent. “You know I have an “S” in my name and don’t know what it stands for.”
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