Black Cat Halloween Unisex Shirt
I’m slim and I have what would be deemed an Black Cat Halloween Unisex Shirt, I also have pretty long hair, so when guys see me from far away I must look alright, and get some attention, and then up close they see my face is quite ugly and react and honestly I feel so uncomfortable that I don’t look at anyone in the Black Cat Halloween Unisex Shirt because I can just see in their face they think I’m ugly. And I know I’m ugly I just wish it didn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter to anyone except someone dating me and as I don’t want to date it shouldn’t matter to anyone. Because of this I don’t wear nice clothes anymore and try to make myself as invisible as possible. I don’t bother wearing makeup anymore because I just look stupid like why highlight something and try to draw attention to something that looks bad I wish I was just OK average looking so that I didn’t get much attention ‘positively’ or ‘negatively’
Black Cat Halloween Unisex Shirt
I actually did exactly this two years ago! I picked a Black Cat Halloween Unisex Shirt that was a common woman’s name. I subscribed to all the same subreddits that I normally follow (regional and technology subreddits, mostly), and posted using exactly the same voice I normally use. I used it off and on during those two years at a level I would characterize as moderate to heavy. I was never asked if I was male or female, so I never volunteered that information. I found that I got much, much more karma. This account is in the 14-year club, and I am gaining comment karma so much faster in the Black Cat Halloween Unisex Shirt. Post karma, too, although I’m not a big poster in either account. On the whole, I would say that I’m treated much better when people see a traditional female username. People are more willing to interact with me, reward my comments, and are less likely to argue with me — even on the extremely technical IT subreddits.
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