Black Cats Bring Luck Funny Good Luck Hug Cat Shirt
I’m slim and I have what would be deemed an Black Cats Bring Luck Funny Good Luck Hug Cat Shirt, I also have pretty long hair, so when guys see me from far away I must look alright, and get some attention, and then up close they see my face is quite ugly and react and honestly I feel so uncomfortable that I don’t look at anyone in the Black Cats Bring Luck Funny Good Luck Hug Cat Shirt because I can just see in their face they think I’m ugly. And I know I’m ugly I just wish it didn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter to anyone except someone dating me and as I don’t want to date it shouldn’t matter to anyone. Because of this I don’t wear nice clothes anymore and try to make myself as invisible as possible. I don’t bother wearing makeup anymore because I just look stupid like why highlight something and try to draw attention to something that looks bad I wish I was just OK average looking so that I didn’t get much attention ‘positively’ or ‘negatively’
Black Cats Bring Luck Funny Good Luck Hug Cat Shirt
When you compare the last 40 years of Iowa State and Kansas, you see a ton of similarities in geography, lack of resources, struggle for success etc..but the one thing that hasn’t wavered at Iowa state is fan support. We were packing the jack and going nuts for 1 and 2 win teams year after year. And ultimately that’s what sold Matt Campbell on us as a place that could be special. When he came here as a visiting coach at Toledo he saw a big time college football environment with obvious program support. KU has none of that. It’s an Black Cats Bring Luck Funny Good Luck Hug Cat Shirt experience. Unless they’re winning the fans just don’t give a Black Cats Bring Luck Funny Good Luck Hug Cat Shirt, and that’s what will keep the program in the Black Cats Bring Luck Funny Good Luck Hug Cat Shirt
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