Cat Graphic Tee Shirt
Cloaked, but I think we know where the cities are from the Cat Graphic Tee Shirt? As I recall, the cities only disappeared later. Additionally, I don’t think that we have any reason to believe that the cities move? They might be shielded – I don’t think we know – but even if they are, can those shields stand up to the energy released by a nuclear blast? What we do know is that a) they just attempted a decapitation strike on the US, France, and Russia, succeeding in the case of the latter b) they have used chemical weapons and therefore weapons of mass destruction against US forces on their planet and c) they are genocidal, and don’t leave humans or keshmin alive after a battle or in lands conquered (as I recall – been a while since I read the early chapters). Additionally, as seen in Baltimore and as relayed by the Keshmin, they make no distinction between civilian and military targets. Maybe the US isn’t willing to use nukes yet. The Russians and the French, however? The former just lost its leadership, and a General willing to “nuke the bastards” might gain legitimacy as a leader in the coming political struggle/power vacuum. The latter has tactical nuclear weapons use as a “final warning” as part of official doctrine. Tactical nuclear weapons use, at the least, should definitely be in play at this point.
Cat Graphic Tee Shirt
I have no goddamn idea what the Cat Graphic Tee Shirt of the National Football League Corporation are. The same way I have no idea how Gamestop handles their internal disputes. Considering that we have American citizens currently dying from a national disaster, perhaps Trump should remember that he was not hired as an arbiter of television, and is, supposedly, the President of the United States. I’m sure there’s questions about why the manager at Dairy Queen let Becky off on Friday, even though Marge asked first, but I don’t think it’s a wise use of taxpayer dollars to have Donald Trump look into it.
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