Cat Love Life In Bus Hawaiian Shirt
One time I went to a hot sauce shop and found a small jar of Cat Love Life In Bus Hawaiian Shirt. The sign in front of it said “if you can dip a toothpick in this and eat it and not ask for water/milk for 5 minutes, you get the entire $50 bottle for free” Naturally me, being young and dumb as shit grabbed a pretzel stick and dipped the fucker in like it was bean dip, trying to prove just how manly I really was. In about 30 seconds I could no longer see, breath, or feel anything except pain. I ate half a tub of ice cream and like 3 glasses of milk. And ever since that day, every time I have red pepper flakes, my body basically goes into a full IBS-like mode complete with emergency room worthy stomach cramps and bouts of projectile diarrhea.
Cat Love Life In Bus Hawaiian Shirt
I really don’t think they are. I think this is a one and done and will go down as a “we tried something but it didn’t work” scenario. Think about it why would the Cat Love Life In Bus Hawaiian Shirtvv buy a lot of these 99s? There will be another 99 in 3 days that costs 50k stubbs (what is that like $50?) If I had to guess people except the very few whales and/or streamers are just saying fuck it. I played more event games this last round for wood than I’ve ever played before (lost at 10 wins 2x….) and only saw Mauer a handful of times. I saw Eric Davis once and outside of that I saw very few purchasable 99s. I played 48 games so my sample size is decent not huge
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