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In my mind, I acknowledge Masche was a massive figure in the Cat middle finger cat motif cheeky cat stinkkefinger shirt, but defending is team base exercise first and foremost. Garay, Rojo, Zabaleta, and Demichelis were also gigantic, and we can’t forget Romero. Messi, on the other hand, had a bigger individual role, he wasn’t just another attacker, the 2014 team relied on him for virtually everything offensive-wise and he managed to live up to expectations of not only being the Iniesta of our team but also being the guy scoring the goals. If you actually follow him in the matches and read the stats, he literally dominated everything, from ball progression, chances created, goals, assists, dribbling attempts succeeded, etc. Even Sabella said that he asked Messi to give everything for the team and he saw that in full motion in Di Maria’s goal
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So much of this shit is so astounding. Everything they do is about rewriting history, everything is the Cat middle finger cat motif cheeky cat stinkkefinger shirt superfluous and shallow read of any fundamental problem. They don’t want you to know anything else exists. They seem to want to dumb down more and more of the country so that we can’t learn from the past, which is doubly hilarious because that’s such a common refrain from Conservatives. They champion a Confederate flag and the history of pro-slavery states, but insist its not about racism while they come up with more and more ways to dehumanize black people and take credit for any strides they’ve made in this country. People who deny the Civil War was about slavery, but also want the entire USA to still get credit for “freeing the slaves”. People who claim minorities are given everything, but are terrified of becoming anything near a minority. People who want to make those times seem like some big job training program, but then want to ban any book in a school or library that says what actually happened. DeSantis is the face of the actual modern KKK movement. I honestly don’t know how to draw any different conclusion from the sheer amount of stuff he and his administration does and says. It’s completely about white Christians dominating.
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