Cat Persian Cat Lover Tropical Hawaiian Shirt
One of the people İ work with told me to eat this thing during lunch yesterday without telling me what it was, he had a Cat Persian Cat Lover Tropical Hawaiian Shirt of tortilla chips and İ didn’t think anything of it. İts just a big blue chip right? I’m normally good with spicy things, but this shit fucked me up really bad. İ honestly believe somebody is going to die from this thing. Even after it leaves your mouth, the spice kills you from inside your fucking intestines and stomach. İ went to the restroom cuz my body was trying to puke it up, but i was fighting it down cuz i was scared of the burn that would come if it came back up İ had to go home an hour later cuz İ had labored breathing and was dizzy as fuck, and İ work as a union electrician. I’m still waiting for that lava to pass through my asshole and I’m scared as fuck. Seriously, you think you’re good with spicy? This ain’t it dude. This shit was fucking obscene. There’s no fucking way this company doesn’t get sued in the near future. Edit: Not going to report my Foreman for giving me a spicy chip lmfao it’s all in good fun, I’ll be getting him back in the near future Edit 2: İt’s honestly pathetic how a lot of you lot are telling me to go to the police and/or sue the guy. İt’s like y’all never interacted with humans before or had any friends growing up. İt’s not that serious, move on.
Cat Persian Cat Lover Tropical Hawaiian Shirt
I know. I know it’s the Cat Persian Cat Lover Tropical Hawaiian Shirt thing to do but it’s so hard. They did a very good job at instilling a very strong guilt and shame response. Instead of feeling angry at them I end up stuck in wondering what did I do so wrong to make them not love me. I am in therapy and I’m hoping with getting proper treatment for my epilepsy I’ll have better control of my emotions. My emotional upheavals are one of my auras I have before my seizures. (Which is why people thought I was bipolar. Go figure.) With better control of those I’m hoping for therapy to really start to help more than it has. My abuse was sheer utter neglect. Just enough care to keep me alive and clean. To keep me PRESENTABLE. To make them look good. Like….. They would ask me what I want for Christmas. Like literally harassed me to make a list. We need it! So I’d make one. Hell, if I knew something I wanted was expensive I’d keep my list short. Maybe a couple books and specifically request soft cover. Maybe a movie or two. Make them older ones so they’d be cheaper still. They would go out of their way to not really get me anything that I ask for. I asked for an ipod; one of the minis. Not even the newest generation. Omfg. They spent double for some other media player. This company doesn’t even exist anymore. Fucking terrible to use. Bad software and the dumbest fucking UI. I knew opening the wrapping what it was and what I’d be having to deal with. I was great full for the gift as it was the thought that counts. It’s still a media player. I am still disappointed. This gave them a perfect opportunity to tell me how ungrateful I am. We spent so much money on your Christmas. Why don’t you like your gifts? I was like twelve when I caught on that it’s a tactic and it’s on purpose. Last year my aunts grandkids and my fucking brother all got oculus quests for Christmas. I had to beg to my grandmother(who did her best to be my champion and I hope she’s chilling with her brother in the ether) to not let my aunt ruin my Christmas and all I wanted was an xbox360 to take with me to college to get it. Told her I’d consider it my graduation gift from her too if she could make it happen. I told her I didn’t even want games for it that I’d buy them myself. My brother never had to ask more than once for something. Had a Wii before I could even buy my fist console myself. Sorry for the rant my god but I typed it out so fuck it. Post it for the lolz.
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