Cat You Are Strong You Are Beautiful You Make The World A Better Place Oh Sorry I Was Just Talking To My Coffee T shirt
Yes!! I can remember many years ago I was out with four attractive friends. We ended up hanging out with a group of four guys. They all kind of paired off and I was left sitting at the side on my own. I wanted to run off And when I first became single again I was so naive I honestly thought if a Cat You Are Strong You Are Beautiful You Make The World A Better Place Oh Sorry I Was Just Talking To My Coffee T shirt wants to sleep with you it means he finds you attractive, likes you and will probably want to see you again. Yeah. I know better now. So much dashed hope, so much heartbreak. I even had one of them admit he targeted me because of my ‘vulnerabilities’. A lump of flesh with convenient holes, how flattering
Cat You Are Strong You Are Beautiful You Make The World A Better Place Oh Sorry I Was Just Talking To My Coffee T shirt
If anything, this post and its comments have let me know that I’m not the Cat You Are Strong You Are Beautiful You Make The World A Better Place Oh Sorry I Was Just Talking To My Coffee T shirt person with wonky eyes & failed surgeries. As a kid, I was fat, awkward, wonky-eyed and bullied for all of it. Eventually, as I aged into my unattractive 20s, the overt bullying stopped. But, all the Cat You Are Strong You Are Beautiful You Make The World A Better Place Oh Sorry I Was Just Talking To My Coffee T shirt, whispered conversations, and cruel comments from other people in my dating cohort started. I kept aging out of those social circles, and now at 50 I am largely ignored. I have gone from unattractive to invisible. Unless I’m in someone’s way, or inconveniencing them, no one really ‘sees’ me anymore. I dyed my hair purple on a Cat You Are Strong You Are Beautiful You Make The World A Better Place Oh Sorry I Was Just Talking To My Coffee T shirt. I have gotten so many compliments about it, from men & women. It freaked me out, honestly. I don’t get positive attention from randos. A Cat You Are Strong You Are Beautiful You Make The World A Better Place Oh Sorry I Was Just Talking To My Coffee T shirt of me likes being complimented, but I kinda want to go back to being invisible.
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