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My wife is very supportive of all of Colorful Cats Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women Cat Hawaiian Shirt hobbies and interests, my dnd, warhammer, gym, not so much my gaming, cause I’m basically hidden away for a hours. Which is fair. My wife just got bought me a bunch of Colorful Cats Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women Cat Hawaiian Shirt, brushes and Ork boyz. But Tbh what your gf is doing is very toxic, if you have been with her for a while, that’s really unacceptable, gotta give her the talk “accept me for who I am, or I’m leaving” if you give in your will lose who you are. I feel sad for you man, the frustration would be huge. I’ve went though this in past relationships, dictating who I talk to, even dictating music I listen too.
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My wife doesn’t understand it all, but she doesn’t need to. She knows it makes me happy and is supportive. She is also an Colorful Cats Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women Cat Hawaiian Shirt, whereas I am an introvert, so we have to work to maintain balance. She knows it’s important for me to have alone time and that it’s not that I am ignoring her or choosing my hobbies over her; it’s just something I need. I know that I can get carried away and need to remember to spend some time with her regularly even when I’m really excited about a current project. It takes work and communication, but it’s all built on a Colorful Cats Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women Cat Hawaiian Shirt of respect and understanding. Without that, you’re doomed. I’m not going to say dump her like many others, I’d suggest you talk to her about it and have an honest discussion about if you are genuinely compatible. She may be unaware about how she’s making you feel if you haven’t communicated your own needs as well as she communicates hers. But if you can’t sort this out and find some balance, you’ll have to choose between a Colorful Cats Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women Cat Hawaiian Shirt of misery or a break up
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