Creepy Cat Lady in Kimono T Shirt
I think the Creepy Cat Lady in Kimono T Shirt medium is instead of wishing we were uglier, would be wishing that men would just leave women alone no matter what we look like…period. I’m sorry for all of your struggles and I’m sorry that people have invalidated that for you. I will say, though, I have always been a “pretty girl” and I was bullied out of my high school for it. Mostly by boys starting untrue rumors that they had done x or y with me and I was labeled a slut. Fast forward to my 20s, I still deal with men harassing me and if I ignore them or reject them, I’m sent really vulgar, disgusting messages. A guy once sent me a whole message about how he’d like to find me and r*or me with a broomstick for having the Creepy Cat Lady in Kimono T Shirt to reject him. I will make sure, though, that I never say again that I wish I were ugly. Instead I wish men would just leave me the Creepy Cat Lady in Kimono T Shirt
Creepy Cat Lady in Kimono T Shirt
I actually did exactly this two years ago! I picked a Creepy Cat Lady in Kimono T Shirt that was a common woman’s name. I subscribed to all the same subreddits that I normally follow (regional and technology subreddits, mostly), and posted using exactly the same voice I normally use. I used it off and on during those two years at a level I would characterize as moderate to heavy. I was never asked if I was male or female, so I never volunteered that information. I found that I got much, much more karma. This account is in the 14-year club, and I am gaining comment karma so much faster in the Creepy Cat Lady in Kimono T Shirt. Post karma, too, although I’m not a big poster in either account. On the whole, I would say that I’m treated much better when people see a traditional female username. People are more willing to interact with me, reward my comments, and are less likely to argue with me — even on the extremely technical IT subreddits.
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