Follow the Path to Inner Pizza T Shirt
I don’t wish I was ugly, I just wish it wasn’t the Follow the Path to Inner Pizza T Shirt thing people valued about me, paid attention to, or gushed over. I also wish people would simply notice it and move on. Like, “Okay, she’s pretty, movin on.” Instead it seems to be the dominating trait, or thing people focus on. It trumps everything else and it’s a distraction and it’s annoying. I know it’s an advantage, gives me an enormous amount of privilege, and allows me to get away with a lot that I otherwise would not be able to, but it’s also a double edge sword, and can be exhausting. It’s also not as great or easy as people seem to think. There are downsides to everything, but I wouldn’t trade my looks. I just wish the world wasn’t so appearance focused because it can be a huge burden and a Follow the Path to Inner Pizza T Shirt. I also have BDD and EDs, which are currently in remission and well treated at this point, but it has been a Follow the Path to Inner Pizza T Shirt long struggle and crippling at certain points in my life.
Follow the Path to Inner Pizza T Shirt
I would argue that defensive coordinators in theFollow the Path to Inner Pizza T Shirt (Yes, DCs exist in the Big 12) would learn how to defend it and incorporate it into their defensive packages during fall camp. I remember Brian Kelly said they learned the basics of defending the option during fall camp and would practice it throughout the fall just to ensure it was fresh enough for Navy. Now, he indicated it was only a smart portion of the week they would do this, but just enough that it wasn’t a massive shift when it came to practice the week of the Navy game. Last I checked Notre Dame even gets a preferred walk on to run the option. With that said, the option is a great equalizer if you get the players who know what they walking into and buy into it 100%. It would definitely make life difficult for a lot of teams in the Big 12. I want to say Oregon State attempted the option back in the 80s or 90s and it didn’t work out. That was so long ago that it may not be a Follow the Path to Inner Pizza T Shirt
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