Funny orange cat lover owner Orange Cats are the best, Short Sleeve Unisex T Shirt
Wonky-eye sister, almost the same story for me, except when I complained to my current optomertist he said the purpose for people with our condition was to maintain sight in the under-utilised eye in case we lost the good one. I’ve seen “lazy-eye” noted as a deal breaker on dating sites with suggestions people should have to admit it on their profile. But I have also seen people deeply in love when one of them has obvious and more disruptive disabilities. I am still frustrated when people look behind themselves to see what I’m looking at but that’s not their fault. I have learned to forget it, or rarely, as a party trick, switch vision between good and bad eye to change to whichever eyeball wants to hide in my skull. I have loved and been loved and I know some men who carry a torch for me. I can’t change my eyes but they provide a Funny orange cat lover owner Orange Cats are the best, Short Sleeve Unisex T Shirt system against shallow and rude people. I would not post in the Funny orange cat lover owner Orange Cats are the best, Short Sleeve Unisex T Shirt I ugly sub, or rate me. I am so much more than my physical appearance and so are you.
Funny orange cat lover owner Orange Cats are the best, Short Sleeve Unisex T Shirt
Irish people were also not considered to be properly “white” at the time they were discriminated against. People forget that little tidbit when they decide to use that fact to defend slavery. It’s something that’s very relevant today whenever you hear someone say “but I can’t be racist against hispanic people because they’re white!” The dictionary definition of “white person” and the societal perception of “white person” are different things, and the latter has shifted wildly over time. I don’t envy the person who’s sitting around in 2100 explaining to people that actually mexicans weren’t considered to be “white” back in 2020.
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