Garfield Cool Cat Classic T Shirt
Firstly, I’m sorry you struggle so much with this. Life is unkind Please know though that when attractive women say they wish to be less attractive oftentimes what they are not saying is that they wish to be less assaulted, less harassed, less objectified, less raped, less followed, less “owned”, less leered at, less groped It isn’t about the level of attractiveness. It’s what comes with it. And with all that gross male attention around you decent men don’t come near anyway. They don’t want to have to deal with it either. Learned this first hand when I got a Garfield Cool Cat Classic T Shirt from HH to C as I turned 40. Daily aggressions from me since I was 11 to blessed silence just like that.
Garfield Cool Cat Classic T Shirt
When I was a Garfield Cool Cat Classic T Shirt, like middle school, I didn’t even have that girly of a username, just a star wars reference. But I liked being friendly and using “:)” a lot. On two seperate occasions, some creepy stuff went down: first some dude on league sending a link to “his abs”, second was a guild on a gacha game where some 30-something year old was regularly chatting with my (actually a girl) friend, and tried aggressively to get me to do so as well. Until they found out I was a dude, and immediately stopped. I slowly changed my vocabulary and habits and nothing so overt has happened in years, but lesser things have popped up as recently as a couple years ago, and nobody should have to change their personality to not got dick picks. One of the great and terrible things of the internet is that it’s actually really easy to get some perspective. Anonymity is a double edged sword. (sidenote: I do wish I had the cognizance to recognize the latter was a, like, “hey maybe get out” situation, rather than a Garfield Cool Cat Classic T Shirt situation. Sadly, I, too, had the brain of a Garfield Cool Cat Classic T Shirt, when I was a pre-teen.)
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