Halloween Pumpkins Fat Cat Beeteeshop Trending Unisex T Shirt
my mom and dad, technically my grandmother and adoptive grandfather (who raised 2 generations of kids he didn’t have to — my mom and then me) but Halloween Pumpkins Fat Cat Beeteeshop Trending Unisex T Shirt doesn’t matter that’s my mom and dad, both have been gone for more than 20 years. my dad passed first, and very shortly after my grandmother got sick and she just had no will to love, no desire to even get a diagnosis, but an autopsy confirmed it had been lung cancer that had metastasized to her chest wall. i provided her hospice care when i was about 12-13 and still reeling from the loss of my dad. i don’t really talk to her because i feel so guilty that i was not a better carer. i was not cruel but i was scared. so scared to watch her change, shrink, watch all of her strength and sass and even her penchant for occasional emotional battering ebb away. but i talk to my dad sometimes. out loud. and always when i’m looking at the stars. so of course, i read this and smiled. ugly cried, too. but i smiled, and looked across the road to the sky (it’s still dark where i am), and said ‘hey dad.’
Halloween Pumpkins Fat Cat Beeteeshop Trending Unisex T Shirt
At the jail I was in they provided us with basic hygiene items, but Halloween Pumpkins Fat Cat Beeteeshop Trending Unisex T Shirt were like hotel toiletries. If you wanted a full size bottle of shampoo/conditioner you had to get it on commissary – and pay $3 for the same bottle of shampoo you can get at dollar tree. Similar markups for everything else, cheapest they could get but extortionately overpriced. We got a pillow. The “outside” time was an area maybe 30’x30′ surrounded by 4 walls with chain link across the top. There was a basketball hoop but no ball. Somehow there was a tennis ball on top of the chain link and every time we were out there we were like “man I wish I could get that ball.” It was basically just a fresh air hour. They would provide us with sanitary pads but if you wanted tampons you had to buy them. Or, we’d combine all our shares of pads and make our own tampons out of them, but that was risky because they’d get confiscated if they found them during a shakedown. We weren’t allowed to have any hair ties that we didn’t bring in with us – I had one taken that someone gave me before she got out. Or we’d make them out of the top elastic of a sock, but those would also get confiscated. We’d use an empty tiny shampoo bottle to try to focus the stream in the shower because the head was so calcified it sprayed everywhere but, you know, they’d confiscate that too. Once a week theyd drop off some single blade lady bic razors if we wanted to shave but they’dcome back for them in like 30 minutes so it was a mad dash if more than a couple girls wanted to not be beastly that week. Trying to shave quickly in a shitty dark shower was a good way to start a blood bath. They brought cleaning supplies to mop and wipe down the tank every morning and we were mostly pretty good about that, since whoever cleaned got to pick the TV channels for the day. One “tank mom” would clean every morning, she just wanted to watch Sunday football and Family Guy when it was on.
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