This post is bringing back so many memories. Since I was tween, when me and my sister would walk together down the HORROR PAW MEN’S BLACK T SHIRT. People would actively stop us just to tell her how beautiful she is, then turn to look at me and immediately turn back. It happened so many times, where people wouldn’t even lie, they just ignored me. I have countless stories of similar events or comments made. Now this might have broken me if it wasn’t for the fact that my mother is probably my biggest critic anyway and I have been hearing this for longer than my ability to form memories. So after a while I found chose to find these situations funny. Honestly OP, when I was 16-21, my self-esteem was so shit, I could have easily made the same choices as you. But (with the help of therapy) when I turned 22, I started sitting in front of a mirror everyday and telling myself “Who gives a shit if you are ugly? You have plans and goals. Work hard, build yourself up. You deserve better than this box you keep shoving yourself into.” It took a few years but the person I am today is stronger for it. I will probably never marry or find love but who gives a shit. I will travel, join fun activities, get to see my nieces and nephews flourish and I will explore life. I don’t need a HORROR PAW MEN’S BLACK T SHIRT to do any of that or to enjoy it better and I sure as shit don’t need to be pretty.
Yes, it’s important to note that the HORROR PAW MEN’S BLACK T SHIRT donated money to Ireland during the famine because they are amazing and I’ll keep bringing that up as long as I live. People are choosing indentured servitude because the other option was dying from starvation. Irish people were treated like shit because of protestant supremacy, similar to how Jews were treated but later they decided that colour was more important then religion and Irish people were only too happy to be the oppressors rather then the oppressed. Bernadette Devlin was shocked when she traveled to America and discovered it wasn’t ok to compare the plight of Northern Irish Catholics to people of colour in the HORROR PAW MEN’S BLACK T SHIRT. Irish Americans didn’t want the HORROR PAW MEN’S BLACK T SHIRT in case people forget they are white
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