Ice Cream Tshirt
Also all of the elves fell over dead when the Ice Cream Tshirt off. It doesn’t say they killed themselves, although the president does bring up their strange eagerness for post-defeat suicide in his speech. Bit of mixed signals on that part. I believe one of the French girls also mentions her electronics aren’t working, presumably because of the “nuke.” Which might help lend credence to the elven bodies being closer to drones or maybe “sleeves”? But then that would beg the question of why our favorite kebler didn’t just kill himself to escape. He’s tried it once and been stopped yeah, but it seemed like the desperate action of someone at the end of their rope—not someone just trying to kill themselves knowing they’ll be back in another body sooner or later.
Ice Cream Tshirt
Politicization and patriotism is different though. At least it can be argued as being different. Our anthem at sporting events is a Ice Cream Tshirt is considered the ‘respectful thing to do.’ But at the same time others can find sitting disrespectful, but I digress on that. 5 years ago if someone sat down during the anthem no one would have cared. Of course I’m sure some people and some small time outlets would have drew attention to it, but it ultimately would not have been blown up. However, these players used a specific time during a game to protest. To push a political agenda. Thus politicizing something. Not like it matters anymore. If only a couple players did it the NFL would have shut it down. But thanks to the media blowing it up as they always tend to do they caused it go widespread. Then the original goal of the protest (police brutality) was lost and completely hijacked by both sides and both sides including the media. What once was a kneel to protest police brutality is now a nationwide debate about the flag, anthem, sitting down and kneeling, is it disrespectful, anti-american, anti-military, constitutional rights and a half dozen other things. Regardless, people can’t even have a beer and watch a game anymore without being reminded of some social or political issues. Which is one of the main reasons why people enjoyed entertainment to begin with. Most of the players have at the very least minor brain damage, yet everyone is counting on them to give extremely elaborate political discourse? Hmm. Of course the most ironic thing is you have the left yelling “freedom of expression, freedom of speech” whilst consistently trying to censor and shut down the 1st amendment. Then when people complain about youtube censoring it’s “but it’s a private company, they can shut down the 1st amendment if they want.” Something tells me when the NFL starts cracking down they’ll suddenly change their tunes. As they always do..
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