It’s Too Peopley In Here Bored Cat Introvert Angry Cat Shirt
I have a It’s Too Peopley In Here Bored Cat Introvert Angry Cat Shirt. In highschool, I was made fun of for it a It’s Too Peopley In Here Bored Cat Introvert Angry Cat Shirt I also have a big roman nose and a long face and some people liked to make it known they weren’t fans of. In highschool I used to be really gangly, socially awkward, acne, bad haircut, the whole thing. I think highschool was one of the It’s Too Peopley In Here Bored Cat Introvert Angry Cat Shirt I really wanted to die lol. I’m 20 so i’ve definitely grown up since then- can i say i’m exactly palatable, look alone? eh. I dyed my hair and wear stuff I think is cool. I still don’t really think I’m pretty, but around senior year of high school to the beginning of college, I started to focus more on the It’s Too Peopley In Here Bored Cat Introvert Angry Cat Shirt I gave off with my clothing and my interests more than focusing on my general appearance. I get told I’m cool. Usually not “you’re pretty”, but cool is fine. I’ve found a lot of comfort in dressing more androgynous-femme-leaning. I feel cool and confident and like no one can mess with me. It helps me feel better about how I look, even if I have a lot of sad memories of feeling ugly and unlovable and wanting to just go to sleep and never wake up.
It’s Too Peopley In Here Bored Cat Introvert Angry Cat Shirt
I wasn’t even expecting something themed off my main! — but if nothing else, some variant of SpiceQueen should serve (the other two…is that a CS Lewis reference? And I love LadyPepperVisage just on an aesthetic level, but I’m almost positive there’s some kind of wordplay or cultural reference there that I’m missing, and it’s just going over my head.) I started playing around with SpiceMissFlo, MsFloSpice, etc, after seeing yours, but after a second I paused and wondered if the Dune books* even register much of a presence with women readers, or if that sort of scifi is largely a “It’s Too Peopley In Here Bored Cat Introvert Angry Cat Shirt” kind of fiction. That got me onto something that is definitely going to complicate this exercise: even if there’s nothing overly “boy-like” in how I talk, the subs I frequent and at least some of the cultural references I have (and some that I won’t!) will likely cause my experience in a conversation to differ at times from what’s “typical” for women on this site. How big a It’s Too Peopley In Here Bored Cat Introvert Angry Cat Shirt that’ll be, I couldn’t guess…another reason to give this a shot, IMHO.
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