Lazy Puppy Cat Shirt
This is part of why we have so many people in jail. Its so Lazy Puppy Cat Shirt to rehabilitate people in America. Theres so much inequality and so many damn people here and religious and personal freedom leads to some insane situations. Its possible that kids fall through the cracks. They have no chance to become good citizens. If you can’t read you will never get a good job here. End of story. Without a job its impossible to make ends meet in America and have a decent lifestyle. So the cycle perpetuates itself. The juvy kid becomes an adult criminal who is always in and out of jail. In my home state, Ohio, more than 50% of the prison population is incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses or probation violations. They’re on probation because of their terrible upbringing and having no way to get a decent job so they buy and sell drugs, steal things, get involved in gangs, etc., And the circle continues. Their children are in the same position they were in, and get into the same drama.
Lazy Puppy Cat Shirt
Oh yeah don’t get me started on that, people will say “the police and the Lazy Puppy Cat Shirt” with one side of their mouth and then “prison is supposed to be terrible because those people did crimes” with the other. I don’t even know which one they actually believe and they probably don’t either. Again, I don’t think people who definitely did terrible crimes ought to be treated like shit either, but you’re right, in any assessment of the justice system we absolutely have to reckon with the number of people incarcerated who either did nonviolent crimes that should never carry a sentence or were flat-out wrongfully convicted.
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