Men Shirts Fashion Casaul 3D Graphic Summer Short Sleeve Beach Fashion Relaxed fit Hawaiian Leisure Cat Printing T Shirt
I was an Men Shirts Fashion Casaul 3D Graphic Summer Short Sleeve Beach Fashion Relaxed fit Hawaiian Leisure Cat Printing T Shirt so I’ve experienced both outright rejection all the way up to unwanted sexual advances at work from multiple coworkers. And yeah… the former was so much worse. I guess both are dehumanising, but it felt so much worse when it was because I was ugly. My unscientific guess is because we generally don’t like to be rejected by society as a Men Shirts Fashion Casaul 3D Graphic Summer Short Sleeve Beach Fashion Relaxed fit Hawaiian Leisure Cat Printing T Shirt. I’m personally looking forward to just aging a bit. Like yeah older women get made fun of and become invisible, but I’m alright with the Men Shirts Fashion Casaul 3D Graphic Summer Short Sleeve Beach Fashion Relaxed fit Hawaiian Leisure Cat Printing T Shirt
Men Shirts Fashion Casaul 3D Graphic Summer Short Sleeve Beach Fashion Relaxed fit Hawaiian Leisure Cat Printing T Shirt
If anything, this post and its comments have let me know that I’m not the Men Shirts Fashion Casaul 3D Graphic Summer Short Sleeve Beach Fashion Relaxed fit Hawaiian Leisure Cat Printing T Shirt person with wonky eyes & failed surgeries. As a kid, I was fat, awkward, wonky-eyed and bullied for all of it. Eventually, as I aged into my unattractive 20s, the overt bullying stopped. But, all the Men Shirts Fashion Casaul 3D Graphic Summer Short Sleeve Beach Fashion Relaxed fit Hawaiian Leisure Cat Printing T Shirt, whispered conversations, and cruel comments from other people in my dating cohort started. I kept aging out of those social circles, and now at 50 I am largely ignored. I have gone from unattractive to invisible. Unless I’m in someone’s way, or inconveniencing them, no one really ‘sees’ me anymore. I dyed my hair purple on a Men Shirts Fashion Casaul 3D Graphic Summer Short Sleeve Beach Fashion Relaxed fit Hawaiian Leisure Cat Printing T Shirt. I have gotten so many compliments about it, from men & women. It freaked me out, honestly. I don’t get positive attention from randos. A Men Shirts Fashion Casaul 3D Graphic Summer Short Sleeve Beach Fashion Relaxed fit Hawaiian Leisure Cat Printing T Shirt of me likes being complimented, but I kinda want to go back to being invisible.
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