Sashimiiii Cats Shirt
I had a Sashimiiii Cats Shirt of it. When I was 18 I went blind in my left eye. I had severe uveitis in both eyes. Anyway, I needed steroid injections in my left eye and afterwards I would have to wear an eye patch. I got stared at a lot, even though it was a temporary thing, it was interesting to see how differently I got treated by people. I had to wear sunglasses in the Sashimiiii Cats Shirtdue to the photophobia. People know it’s rude to stare and make comments and yet they still do so. I’m sorry people are such shits to you. You cannot tell I’m blind in that eye from the Sashimiiii Cats Shirtv and as my right eye got saved that means it takes over for me.
Sashimiiii Cats Shirt
English policy towards Ireland was surely genocidal with the desire to depopulate, if you look at the Sashimiiii Cats Shirt of their actions and not just focus on those who came to America. Supporting Irish people and what they endured doesn’t subtract from the suffering of African Americans; Jews, Roma and slavs (and other groups) under Hitler, Ukrainians under Stalin, the peoples occupied by the Japanese in WWII, or the native americans by the US government. Could have T-shirts supporting any of these groups and it shouldn’t subtract from the valididty of the Sashimiiii Cats Shirt movement and the need for radical systemic changes. I do get irritated with the ‘all lives matter’ thing, although there probably are people who say it who aren’t disingenious… I’d assume most use it in bad faith.
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