I have a SPOOKY CAT DRESSING UP WHITE SHIRT, plus I had braces and bad acne as a teen. I was bullied a SPOOKY CAT DRESSING UP WHITE SHIRT for my appearance. In my late teens early 20s, besides the squint I was somewhat conventionally attractive and received a lot of unwanted male attention. Pretty privilege is a thing but being constantly sexualised is horrible. Going from “ugly” to “pretty” fucked me up because I realised my value as a person was considered to be based onn my appearance. Basically women get it tough regardless because we’re not viewed as real people just decorative things. While I totally understand it’s galling to hear people complain about being “too pretty” I understand it comes from a place of being harassed and sometimes even assaulted on a SPOOKY CAT DRESSING UP WHITE SHIRT
I’m Irish. If an Irish Lives Matter t-shirt came out after the SPOOKY CAT DRESSING UP WHITE SHIRT army murdered 14 men and boys at a civil rights march, I’d be happy about it. But to make one to distract from American police doing the same shit to black people is fucking disgusting. Free Cap Hill honours Free Derry, the SPOOKY CAT DRESSING UP WHITE SHIRT were the Bloody Sunday massacre happened. Northern Ireland covil rights movement was influenced by the black civil rights movement in America. There is a SPOOKY CAT DRESSING UP WHITE SHIRT with Martin Luther King on it in Derry too. These movements are one in the same, in my opinion. And anyone trying to put them against each other is my eternal enemy. No justice, no peace.
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