Tabby Cats Shirt
I was an Tabby Cats Shirt so I’ve experienced both outright rejection all the way up to unwanted sexual advances at work from multiple coworkers. And yeah… the former was so much worse. I guess both are dehumanising, but it felt so much worse when it was because I was ugly. My unscientific guess is because we generally don’t like to be rejected by society as a Tabby Cats Shirt. I’m personally looking forward to just aging a bit. Like yeah older women get made fun of and become invisible, but I’m alright with the Tabby Cats Shirt
Tabby Cats Shirt
Not all indentured servants were willing. I completely agree that what we as a people went through wasn’t on the Tabby Cats Shirt level as chattel slavery but indentured servitude is still legally a form of slavery and banned because it’s slavery. It’s good to shoot down the white nationalist types that try and use the abuse of the Irish, who weren’t even seen as really white at the time so them acting like ‘well white people were slaves too’ is ridiculous, to try and diminish the abuses against people of colour, particularly black people, but I completely object to the idea being pushed now that Irish slaves were a ‘Tabby Cats Shirt seems eager to push currently. It’s vital not to diminish the crimes of Britain against the Irish people.
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