Cat Ice Cream Toddler Baseball T Shirt
This had to have hurt the Cat Ice Cream Toddler Baseball T Shirt. So, they were the major power on their world, so they have numbers but the near constant wholesale losses against the keshmin/human front have definitely taken a toll. I’m willing to bet they will start drafting their populace to supplement their forces. Their probably barely breaking even on resources for now but almost all their defenses against us are pretty energy intensive and outright losing the resources for a major invasion assault defiantly puts them in a tough position. Not to mention their main thing is magic warfare which works with on Gahlan because magic is basically everywhere. However even with supplies I’m not certain the keebs could maintain their type of warfare for too long on our planet. Our whole world is like a desert or artic to them, almost nothing in our environment to work with. It would require them to invest more in their magical supplies lines than they have ever had any experience in dealing with and I don’t think they could properly pull it off, at least not for very long or for the distance they would have to cover. Also, naval warfare and additional fronts opening up instead of just the one funnel for earth forces? The Aesimnai Empire are about to have the portal trick happen to them across their other fronts and it’s not going to end well.
Cat Ice Cream Toddler Baseball T Shirt
My brother is a Cat Ice Cream Toddler Baseball T Shirt in a high security prison one step below supermax; he said most of the guys serving in his level are either working their way up the system or working their way back down. Most of the guys at the lowest security levels are actually there on plea bargains and many have done nothing wrong – they just knew they had no way to prove that so accepted the shorter sentence. (Innocent until proven guilty isn’t really a thing because the priority is avoiding the time and expense of trials; prosecutors pressure you into taking the deal.) But most of the guys he sees are definitely guilty and belong in jail. My brother is no bleeding heart liberal. Far from it – he sees the worst and is a big advocate for the death penalty. But he also insists that nobody ever came out of prison a better person than they went in, and sooner or later most get out. They will be in your community again, only this time with worse job prospects and few honest options. So after a couple of cynical decades, he now believes prison should be reserved for the worst of the worst. If you put someone in, be prepared to throw away the key. Because otherwise you’re just sending them to crime college.
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