Garfield A Candy Cat T Shirt
I relate to you so much. I’m younger than you (I’m 20). I have a Garfield A Candy Cat T Shirt bad lazy eye (might get surgery soon if I’m lucky). It certainly feels like it’s one thing it’ still okay to make fun of especially because we didn’t ask for it. I admit I managed to snag an attractive man but it’s only because we dated online initially and I dated him before/during his ‘glo-up’. I’ve never experienced that dating life most women do. I never will. On top of that people, men especially, are rude to me for being ugly. So many opportunities are closed to me because ugly people are associated with bad and attractive people with good. If it makes you happy to hear, I refuse to be defined by my lazy eye. I won’t avoid clothes I love because I’m ‘too ugly’ to wear it. I won’t treat myself like I don’t deserve nice things even if the Garfield A Candy Cat T Shirt acts like I should. Though I will avoid eye contact still.
Garfield A Candy Cat T Shirt
Irish people were also not considered to be properly “white” at the time they were discriminated against. People forget that little tidbit when they decide to use that fact to defend slavery. It’s something that’s very relevant today whenever you hear someone say “but I can’t be racist against hispanic people because they’re white!” The dictionary definition of “white person” and the societal perception of “white person” are different things, and the latter has shifted wildly over time. I don’t envy the person who’s sitting around in 2100 explaining to people that actually mexicans weren’t considered to be “white” back in 2020.
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