Star Wars Darth Vader Cat 2022 shirt
Geez. Saw the Star Wars Darth Vader Cat 2022 shirt was reading some of the comments that started out with suggestions & such. My questions would be, how long was the 13YO actually being left alone with the baby? And, heck, my kids were able to safely use the stove/microwave by themselves, if need be by the age of 12-13. Not that they had to all the time. Some kids are able to take care of babies as early as 11-12 and other kids can’t even be trusted to take care of a baby at the age of 30. IF the 13YO is capable of handling the duty, maybe have him go through a safer class, make sure he’s actually ok with taking on the task AND make absolutely sure that, once he’s proven reliable enough to do so & is willing, that he gets paid to take care of the baby when mom & dad are working AND that he’s not expected to continue “baby duty” past when mom gets home from work (unless he gets paid and agrees)
Star Wars Darth Vader Cat 2022 shirt
Free book and interesting read. Fanny Kemble, an actress of some renown of the Star Wars Darth Vader Cat 2022 shirt of a Mr. Butler, who owned an estate (forced labor camp) in Georgia, writes from the 1800’s. Should be mandatory in HS History classes. Butler was notable for the largest single enslaved persons sale in US history because he sucked at gambling. Ms. Kemble wrote about the day to day and she was oft freaked out by what was considered normal. She apparently met and married up north, but later came south to the Estate-and she was appalled. She was regarded as a soft touch by the prisoners of the forced labor camp, who always asked her for sugar, or cloth. She discussed the poor white southerners, who haven’t changed much if at all (lazy and still looking down on the other even though they had more in common with the enslaved vis-a-vis the elites), and the peculiar status of the generally unacknowedged but hardly uncommon children of the forced labor camp owners and enslaved women. They usually ended up in better jobs, often skilled jobs. She often surprised the locals with the fact her child had a white nanny, not enslaved. Enslaved women got three weeks of “lying in” post birth but beyond that it was back to the fields….and they were often bred like livestock, because a death rate was built into the system, so you had to keep ahead of the curve. Hard to mitigate this system, even as a delusional Fascist-notChristian. The book is repetitive in places but overall quite readable for a modern audience, and a free pdf to boot
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