my mom and dad, technically my grandmother and adoptive grandfather (who raised 2 generations of kids he didn’t have to — my mom and then me) but WILL YOU BEE MINE CAT SHIRT doesn’t matter that’s my mom and dad, both have been gone for more than 20 years. my dad passed first, and very shortly after my grandmother got sick and she just had no will to love, no desire to even get a diagnosis, but an autopsy confirmed it had been lung cancer that had metastasized to her chest wall. i provided her hospice care when i was about 12-13 and still reeling from the loss of my dad. i don’t really talk to her because i feel so guilty that i was not a better carer. i was not cruel but i was scared. so scared to watch her change, shrink, watch all of her strength and sass and even her penchant for occasional emotional battering ebb away. but i talk to my dad sometimes. out loud. and always when i’m looking at the stars. so of course, i read this and smiled. ugly cried, too. but i smiled, and looked across the road to the sky (it’s still dark where i am), and said ‘hey dad.’
My brother is a WILL YOU BEE MINE CAT SHIRT in a high security prison one step below supermax; he said most of the guys serving in his level are either working their way up the system or working their way back down. Most of the guys at the lowest security levels are actually there on plea bargains and many have done nothing wrong – they just knew they had no way to prove that so accepted the shorter sentence. (Innocent until proven guilty isn’t really a thing because the priority is avoiding the time and expense of trials; prosecutors pressure you into taking the deal.) But most of the guys he sees are definitely guilty and belong in jail. My brother is no bleeding heart liberal. Far from it – he sees the worst and is a big advocate for the death penalty. But he also insists that nobody ever came out of prison a better person than they went in, and sooner or later most get out. They will be in your community again, only this time with worse job prospects and few honest options. So after a couple of cynical decades, he now believes prison should be reserved for the worst of the worst. If you put someone in, be prepared to throw away the key. Because otherwise you’re just sending them to crime college.
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